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Holistics & Homeopathics

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While we love all-natural and holistic supplements, cleaning, and general way of living for our cats (and family), we are not 100% on board with holistic veterinary care. We do support holistic care in some aspects, but yearly vaccines are a must, and medications are necessary in some cases. We require some things, such as vaccines and spaying/neutering your kitten, to be preformed by a board-certified veterinarian. Having any other veterinarian do these things, or failing to take your kitten to a board-certified veterinarian if necessary, will void our Health Contract.
Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is tiny silver particles in pure, distilled water. When made correctly it can be used as an amazing anti-microbial for internal and external use. Colloidal Silver has been used for centuries as a cleaner, preservative,  antibiotic, and antiviral.

Because of this, our cats drink Colloidal Silver almost exclusively. This helps to keep the bowls clean, and gives a nice health boost. Viral respiratory infections are very common in catteries and breeders are constantly trying to keep things clean to prevent this. We have seen Colloidal Silver work wondering in our cattery, so this is one product we won't ever be without. However, it is important to note that Colloidal Silver is not a magical "cure all". Our cats a kittens do still get sick, and kittens can still get hit hard with an illness due to their under-developed immune system. But, we have seen less sicknesses and respiratory infections since starting with Colloidal Silver.

It is very important to make sure you are using a high quality Colloidal Silver. To see the one we recommend, click here.

All kittens born into our cattery are started on Colloidal Silver at 4-5 weeks old when they start learning how to drink water from the water bowl.  We also mix Colloidal Silver into the canned food we feed to help extend the life of the canned food outside of the refrigerator. Colloidal Silver is a wonder food-preserver because of its strong 
anti-microbial properties.

If one of our cats or kittens is showing signs of being sick or has an eye infection, we use Colloidal Silver first, before turning to antibiotics. We want to do our best to make sure we are not over medicating our cats and kittens, which can lead to antibiotic-resistant strains of viruses and bacterias.

Because of these great health benefits, our entire family drinks Colloidal Silver daily to boost our immune system and prevent illnesses. AND IT WORKS!! We have now started making our own Colloidal Silver because we use so much of it on a daily basis.

*It is difficult to find good information on Colloidal Silver. A simple search on the internet will make it sound very 
dangerous and scary to use, or ineffective. And while you do have to be careful and use it correctly, we have to respectfully disagree with the majority of web articles written on Colloidal Silver because of our personal experience with it. If you would like more information you can contact us and we would be happy to share where we have gotten all of our information.
Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is made up of tiny fossilized plankton, that have accumulated in fresh water. These pure deposits are mined and ground into a fine powder that is naturally high in silica and other minerals. It is this chalky white powder that we call diatomaceous earth. DE has a multitude of different uses around the house including cleaning, deodorizer, skin care, dietary supplement,  and food storage.

One of the best things about diatomaceous earth is that it is a natural pest controller. DE can be used in the garden to keep pesky bugs at bay, and rid your home bugs and tiny 
parasites. If you have an outbreak of flees, lice or bed bugs, DE is a great, safe way to rid your home of them.

Because DE can get rid of parasites, it can also be used as a parasite prevention. This is where DE comes into play in our cattery. We use a high quality, food grade diatomaceous earth and mix some right into our cat's dry food. This helps to keep bugs out of their food, prevents their food from getting soggy if one of then decides to play in the water bowl (a little DE can absorb a ton of water), and it helps to prevent our cats from getting infected with internal parasites. DE also helps to boost the immune system, and relieves joint and muscle pain, so that is an added bonus to giving it to our cats!

We also use DE in the litter boxes. Mixing DE into the litter helps to keep the smells down, helps absorb liquids, and helps to prevent the spread of parasites should one of the cats somehow pick something up.

Adult cats in our cattery have DE mixed into their dry food continually. Kittens in our cattery are started on DE when they are around 6 weeks old.

It is very important that you use a FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth product. Making sure the DE you are using is high quality is also important. You can click here to see the one we use.

Food grade diatomaceous earth is also great for human consumption. All the same great benefits it gives to animals it can give to humans.
Feeding raw is something that has started to gain popularity recently with many breeders and pet families alike. While we are not against feeding raw, it is not something we do in our cattery. We simply do not have the time to food prep or the vast resources to afford to feed it to all of our cats and kittens. 

We are supportive of families who want to feed their kitten raw. However, it has to be done correctly. You will need to be sure your kitten is getting a proper balanced diet, and the food is being prepared and stored in a way that it will not become spoiled and then fed to your kitten, making him/her sick.
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Essential Oils

Essential oils have always been a controversial topic when it comes to animals in general. Many people love to use essential oils, but it is difficult to know which essential oils are safe and which ones aren't. If you would like to use essential oils around your pets, here are some guidelines...

       -These oils should be avoided all together:  Birch, Bitter Almond, Boldo, Calamus, Garlic, Horseradish, Mustard, Sassafras, Wintergreen, Wormseed (Chemopodium) and Pennyroyal
       -Using a reed diffuser is the safest way to diffuse, but an ultrasonic diffuser used for a couple hours at a time should be fine.
       -Only diffuse in an open area where your animals can leave the area if they would like.
  -Do not use essential oils topically or orally.

We love essentials oils and like to diffuse them in our home. We have never seen any kind of adverse reaction in our animals because of it. If you would like some more information on the topic, you can click here for a good article. Yes, it is written by an essential oil company, however, at the end they site all of their sources so you can do your own fact-checking.

As more all-natural and holistic things are added into our cattery, we will update this page.

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